How to Get Toned (The 3 Things You Need to Be Doing)

I’ve been in the fitness industry for almost 3 years. The most common goal women come to me with is weight loss. But the second, is being “toned”.

Before I get into what you need to do to get this desired outcome — let’s get on the same page about what “toned” means.

This is a very common goal women have, and the reality is, it means the appearance of muscle. You want to be able to see your arms defined, and more definition of muscle throughout the body. Traditionally, when people think “tone” they typically think they need to use very light weights for more reps. This is not the case.

Training Day GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants - Find & Share on GIPHY

But if “toned” is being able to see muscle, then you need to grow your muscles, and make them bigger, to see them.

I know getting “bulky” is a huge worry for a lot of women when it comes to lifting weights. But unless you have the genetic potential to be abnormally “bulky” AND intentionally eat and train to do so, you won’t pop out of a gym session looking like a professional bodybuilder.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Vintage GIF by Okkult Motion Pictures - Find & Share on GIPHY

So how do you get toned (AKA grow muscles)?

First things first, you need to be eating enough protein. And calories.

This is because when you are lifting weights, you are creating micro tears in your muscles and protein helps rebuild them. Additionally, calories give you the ENERGY you need to not just function throughout your day but also the energy you need to crush your workouts!

Secondly, you need to lift heavy enough. (After you have the form down).

To keep getting stronger and building muscle, you need to be increasing demands on your musculoskeletal system over time. This is the concept of progressive overload. This can be done in a variety of ways, not just through upping your weight, but changing how many reps you are performing, lifting slower or faster, and various other techniques.

Finally, take rest days and get good sleep. Do not overtrain.

Recovery is just as important as the work. If you aren’t giving your muscles time to recover and rebuild, it’s going to be challenging to keep building muscle.

A Reminder

I know when you’re used to hearing that lifting weights is just for people who want to be jacked, it can seem kind of intense to pick up heavy shit. But listen, you will not pop out of gym sessions looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger ok?

Personally, I’m trying to be jacked. And strong AF.

Remember this: it is okay to take up space, and to be strong.